Thursday, 8 December 2011

KBMI hosts Derimbat Community School End-of-School Party

The Derimbat Community School chose the KBMI centre, just across the river, to host their end of the year party.
We were delighted when they first approached us asking if they could be able to use the KBMI centre and kitchen to host their party. We said it was ok and we all agreed that the best time would be 8th December.
The children who came numbered around 55 students. The children were in grades 3,4 and 5 and they represented the majority of the students in that school. At the KBMi centre, they played soccer, played poison ball, swam in the sea and cooked in the kitchen. Their teachers were with them and helped them prepare their food. KBMI also took part by encouraging them with fellowship. We had praise and worship and prayed for the children with their parents. In the afternoon, the children had rice, fish, scones, fresh water prawns, sweet potato, tinned meat, cassava and topped it off with cordial and sweets.

The children arrive at the KBMI area

They give the Halellujah punch!
They start with praise and worship

Peter (with the guitar) leads them in songs

Singing away...

The food is ready!

and its much time...

they sit in their samll groups to eat..

The gentlemen filling up!

This young man dances after finishing his food while his class mates look on..

I also had the opportunity to speak to the children about KBMI and its move here in the village. One of the most important things that I touched on was on KBMI using the internet. Now, you readers must know that these children are children living in a rural and remote area and have absolutely no idea about what is happening in terms of communication, social networking and the computer age. I had to break it down into a simple language. I took photos of them and then showed them. I then told them that this would go onto the internet. We hope that one day, when they are older, they will go onto the KBMI blog and look back at their young times at the KBMi centre.
It was a good time for all.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

KBMI witnesses Lowa Elementary Graduation

Today, KBMI witnessed the graduation of 25 children in Elementary 1 and Elementary 2 at Lowa village.
The number of children who passed from E1 to E2 were 11 while the children from E2 to Primary 3 were 14.  Most of these children who graduated were from the KBMI Lowa local church. I was privllaged to be asked to give a speech. There were many people from the village who had attended the graduation so I felt that it was important for me to share some words to the people.
I talked about spiritual advancement and spiritual development.
This is the summary of what I said:
“God is doing a new thing in our lives and we must be able to understand what is happening now. Without knowing what God is saying, we will not be able to move towards the future. This is because many things are happening in the ‘now’ season. Now we have communication, road and developments coming into our village and community that will affect the way we used to live before. For this reason, you and me must know why God is doing today. For you to know, you must connect to man of God who knows what the Holy Spirit is saying.
The Lowa Elementary students sit under a canvas waiting for things to get underway
Some of the villagers, parents and guardians that turned up
The grandstadn where the prizes were kept

A Elementary 1 student receives an award from the headmaster

The Elementary students put on a song and dance for the parents

Saturday, 19 November 2011

KBMI Video

We decided to shot a short video for the ministry. This video, we hope, is to help people understand more about our role in Manus and also about who we really are and what we want to do for God here in our province.

We've post the link to youtibe for you to have a look at. We hope you like it.

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Kingdom Breakthrough Ministry International [KBMI]  Is one of the smallest ministry in the world. The story went back before its establishment in 2004; how God began to work out this Life. Many of us enter new life from the old life which in bible terms; we say the Sin Nature which is imperfection. Perfection and Beauty is the nature of Heaven. Like heaven; all things  in the beginning is perfectly and beautifully created.
The Founder of KBMI- John Mula Namun, believes in the word BREAKTHROUGH.  It is a word that causes something to happen although we may think it is impossible. In the Bible this word relates to Gods nature. He  is  the Lord of the Breakthrough!.There has been many Breakthroughs in everyone’s lives without  us realising it. For many who do not believe the Written Word of God in the Bible; they  always think about it as good luck or some kind of good working  philosophy  BUT  for  a Christian this word means much more in its contex because it relates to the Nature of God. One of the Breakthroughs that happened  in 2010 is  Gods direction for the Ministry to connect to a Governing Source that God is releasing to earth through the Heat of Dr Jonathan  David  who is the Presiding  Apostel  for the International Strategic Alliance of Apostolic Churches[ISAAC]  The Globol  Leaders Summit [G LS] 2010  in Joho- Malaysia  was represented by 70 nations of the world.  The Theme was:  GOD’s   TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION.  This year 2011 The Equipping of Pastors and Leaders to Build the Church has given a new look to the Ministry’s approach and pattern in building His un-usual Church   rising.

Myself and other Papua New Guineans attending the ISSAC Conference in Malaysia last month

Monday, 9 May 2011


The dream is to build Manus Island first in the spirit and then the Natural  will take its course freely-Like when the river is flowing every thing that is connected to the course will take the shape of the direction and destiny of that course. One of the happening that will happen shortly and that is in the coming PNG National Election in 2012 Is- God is going to do A NEW THING to the Land and Sea and the People of Manus . God is going to turn the Existing Flow which is full of Contamination and gradually turn it into Purity because Purity His Nature.  God is going to do that by Switching the Source of the Stream. The Apostolic Breakthrough Anointing  will make that happen in the Natural so that  Gods Governmental Authority  will set us free and when we are free- then Gods Word in Isaiah 32:18 will came into fulfillment for us
For a nation to build into the future, it must have God behind the back of its brain and that God will enable the fulfilment of its Resources .One of the funniest thing  I came across in life is money. Today many young people are saying this slang – MONEY  TALKS. Let mi give you another word—FREEDOM. This word means free but we cannot achieve freedom in the Natural. No matter how much we try we will never achieve it because freedom is not natural realities as to what man think but a spiritual state. When we enter this state; money is not a problem. Let mi tell you one of my experience or for a Christian person he would call it a miracle. Once I was in one of the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and I came to a place where I really had no money at all..With only $ 3 dollars that will last mi for three weeks  I was very worried so I began to question God on why did he brought me all the way from Manus island to this place. I should have stayed  back home with my people  and enjoy my fishing and hunting  and live freely because provisions are always available. As I began to sit on one of the street corner in Kehei . I heard a voice deep down in my spirit. All this things will fade away. But my word will remain forever. Tears ran down my cheek and from thereon I questioned  God no more. That some afternoon I received $200 American dollars into my wallet directly from heaven. The money  was all brand new  with no spot or wrinkle on those all $20 dollar notes .From then on Gods provision came into my life and carried me  all the way from America back to my remote village in Manus island, back to my own people. God doesn’t give me this kind of money now but I had an experience once  in my life time. Once my son who is now lecturer in one of the  PNG Universities  said; money is not a problem at all BUT it is us who create problems for ourselves. And I think that statement is fully correct !
GIFT is LIFE to the people of the Third World not to the First and Second World. This is true according to biblical  times in the life of Abraham. When we check very carefully the life of Abraham ,he gave gifts to the sons of Keturah  [Keturah  was Abraham’s third wife who was  his concubine. Gen 25] because he gave already all that he had  to Isaac as he had nothing left just before his death. This gifts enable the sons of Keturah to live even though they did not receive any inheritance from their father Abraham .This is why  salvation is by  grace through faith. And this is possible to the Gentiles .KBMI  believes that  faith is life and life is living because the bible says that; The just shall live by FAITH. The question of faith depends on the word capacity we hold. If the word we carry is lower that what we hope for; it will take a longer time- frame to hit the desired target.
This are my people in Liap village.

My walking in the forests of Derimbat village.

Saturday, 9 April 2011


Above is a picture of the Lorengau market in Manus

Myself and another villager, Mr. Tom Purai, talking at the top of Mt. Pawih

The people in Manus Island Province of Papua New Guinea [PNG]are very rich in the natural and yet are so very  very  poor in the Spirit -By this I mean that they are not able to discern the Holy Spirit accurately  and live according to what God is saying through His Spirit- The Holly Spirit. When a Manusian  talks  about a spiritual thing ,he may not be really talking about the Holy Spirit in the bible BUT could be really talking about his own cultural spirit. Which he has been living like that for many years. For example; If they speak about blessing they talk about their own goodness and not the Goodness of God. The person may paint the picture of the true God as if it is true. This is a great deception and no wonder Manus is the very least in Development  in the country of Papua New Guinea. In the 40s and 50s-- Manus  in the war times was the  fastest and biggest growing Naval  Base in the Bismarck Sea  and probably serves as  the Main Base for the Allied Force in the Pacific-In fact many current big cities now in PNG like Rabaul, Lae  and Port Moresby were built through the left-overs of American  war materials from Manus Island. In my  2001 Research for  the Third World Nation –EVANGELISM SEMINAR in  Hawaii, I  realize that Manusians were  the most   literate people in the country from the 60s,to the 90s but now other provinces  have taken the lead : No wonder the Bible says that; In the end  the first will become last  and the last will become first-Lets us  Manus people Hope It  Is Not the End Yet!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Jaive's Visit to KBMI

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine by the name of Jaive Smare wanted to come to Liap and see the place. He was a friend of my son and I was glad to have him come visit KBMI and Liap.
My other son, Peter and I took him and showed him around the place. It was really good and bet that he enjoyed himself. He visited the village's waterfall at Soburun, which a bit inland to where Iam living now.
You can read his trip on this link

I hope that you can read and see a part of my village.
See next time.


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The New Season In God

As you may know, we are entering a new season in God as we enter  the next decade in this millennium.
According to the word of God in Ecclesiastes chapter 3:1 the word of God says that: to everything there is a Season, a time for every purpose under heavens. Wisdom is saying that in all of Gods creation, God has allocated a season and a time frame to carry out his purpose in fulfilling mans final destiny. Our question is how can we know the time shift of God so that we can connect to what God is saying? Well in 2Peter 3.8 the bible say God sees 1000 years  as one day and one day as 1000 years so lets have 2 Peter 3:8 as our key as we go along, lets first go to man at creation. You will see that in Day1, Day2, Day3, Day4, Day5, God did create certain things . On the 6th day you will see that God created man in his Image and likeness. The image of God in the inward life of  a person and the likeness is the outward manifestation of the inward man.
So lets go back again to the biblical history of creation from Genesis to Revelation, if you can calculate or have a Jewish Calender you will find out that it looks something like this.

Can you see in Genesis c1:27-28 that God created man on the 6th Day? Yes,  so when we look at the above time line we have now past the 6 day into the decade of the 1st day,  infact from 2004-2011 is already 7 years into a New Day.
In the last 400 years or so the spirit of the lord begin to bring revelation or the restoration of truth. In the last 200 years during the church reformation the born again process began and people receive Jesus Christ into their hearts this was within the 6 period where the holy spirit was creating the spirit life of man.
But now the 6 days is already over and we have now entered the 7th day infact it is as 7 years inside or as we see 11 years inside (2011) Do you know  what happened on the 7th day?  Yes God rested or Sabbath. This means that he has finished everything and it was good. Another question – Do you know what happened in Genesis chapter 3  and beyond?  Yes man fell and lived under sin nature till now the last 4000 years  and Jesus came to break the power of sin nature. Let me show you something in Gen 3: 22 in verse 21 God made tunics of skin and cloth them (from the lamb or sheep skin) the lord said behold the man has become like one of us to know the good and evil. Now who is God talking to this time? It was not Adam and Eve. God the creator is talking to God the spirit and God the word (later become God the Son) the word in Genesis 3 : 22 is this: Now  one of us will become like them  to know good and evil . It was at this time that the WORD become an obedient SON to the father and came to earth to become like us.
In the 7th Day God has now Given the Kingdom to his son and the final work has been completed by the holy spirit, so now God  the word who has now become God the Son is preparing his Kingdom now on earth.
Let me now take you to Exodus 19: verse 10-11 then the Lord said to Moses , go  to the people and consecrate today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes  and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the lord will come down on Mt Sinai in  the sight of all the people.
God told Moses to tell the Israelites  (refer to we as believer) to be ready for today and tomorrow. Lets look again at our key scripture 2Peter 3:8 from Jesus time (0) to 1000 years AD is 1st Day 1000 years AD to year 2000 is 2nd Day. Now we are already living in the 3rd Day dimension  and this is the time when God is coming to fully reveal himself.
The timing and the purpose of God for the 1st and second Day is over. The first and 2nd Day was the time of preparation. This was when people must receive Jesus Christ into their hearts and be born again by the spirit setting our foundation for the future because Christ in us will be our hope of Glory
The mighty charismatic and Pentecostal moves are over, we are entering a new season now that Christ wants to reveal himself in our human body. We are now in the apostolic season in God.
God has now moved from day 2 to day 3. When God moves everything, every birds, every animals will also move the creation moves. Why are we holding back in our doctrine of churches and human culture – some people here say I was born catholic and will die catholic or I was born into a four square churhc therfore Iam will die as a four square person. What a lot of rubbish! There is no denomination in heaven or even in the Bible - only the Kingdom of God. If you remain where you are you must know that you are working against God. Even if you are pastor or preacher of the gospel and encouraging people to remain I tell you if God would send his angles  to earth you that pastor will be the first one to be arrested – that licence you are using is already expired . No wonder people are sick and tired of going to church and hearing the same message over and over again.
Let me assure you when God moves and you do also, you will find your purpose for the season.  And at the same time you will also harvest the fruit of the season.
Where God is there is Life.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

KBMI receives two sewing machines from BDA

Kingdom Breakthrough Ministry in Lowa recently received two sewing machines to help the mothers in the ministry and Lowa village community have the opportunity to sew their own clothes.  

We thank the government of PNG for this initiative to have the Border Development Authority (BDA) in Manus and also for BDA to have recognised that this small faith-based organisations like KBMI is making positive changes in the community that we live in.