Saturday, 9 July 2011


Kingdom Breakthrough Ministry International [KBMI]  Is one of the smallest ministry in the world. The story went back before its establishment in 2004; how God began to work out this Life. Many of us enter new life from the old life which in bible terms; we say the Sin Nature which is imperfection. Perfection and Beauty is the nature of Heaven. Like heaven; all things  in the beginning is perfectly and beautifully created.
The Founder of KBMI- John Mula Namun, believes in the word BREAKTHROUGH.  It is a word that causes something to happen although we may think it is impossible. In the Bible this word relates to Gods nature. He  is  the Lord of the Breakthrough!.There has been many Breakthroughs in everyone’s lives without  us realising it. For many who do not believe the Written Word of God in the Bible; they  always think about it as good luck or some kind of good working  philosophy  BUT  for  a Christian this word means much more in its contex because it relates to the Nature of God. One of the Breakthroughs that happened  in 2010 is  Gods direction for the Ministry to connect to a Governing Source that God is releasing to earth through the Heat of Dr Jonathan  David  who is the Presiding  Apostel  for the International Strategic Alliance of Apostolic Churches[ISAAC]  The Globol  Leaders Summit [G LS] 2010  in Joho- Malaysia  was represented by 70 nations of the world.  The Theme was:  GOD’s   TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION.  This year 2011 The Equipping of Pastors and Leaders to Build the Church has given a new look to the Ministry’s approach and pattern in building His un-usual Church   rising.

Myself and other Papua New Guineans attending the ISSAC Conference in Malaysia last month