The Derimbat Community School chose the KBMI centre, just across the river, to host their end of the year party.
We were delighted when they first approached us asking if they could be able to use the KBMI centre and kitchen to host their party. We said it was ok and we all agreed that the best time would be 8th December.
The children who came numbered around 55 students. The children were in grades 3,4 and 5 and they represented the majority of the students in that school. At the KBMi centre, they played soccer, played poison ball, swam in the sea and cooked in the kitchen. Their teachers were with them and helped them prepare their food. KBMI also took part by encouraging them with fellowship. We had praise and worship and prayed for the children with their parents. In the afternoon, the children had rice, fish, scones, fresh water prawns, sweet potato, tinned meat, cassava and topped it off with cordial and sweets.
The children arrive at the KBMI area |
They give the Halellujah punch! |
They start with praise and worship |
Peter (with the guitar) leads them in songs |
Singing away... |
The food is ready! |
and its much time... |
they sit in their samll groups to eat.. |
The gentlemen filling up! |
This young man dances after finishing his food while his class mates look on.. |
I also had the opportunity to speak to the children about KBMI and its move here in the village. One of the most important things that I touched on was on KBMI using the internet. Now, you readers must know that these children are children living in a rural and remote area and have absolutely no idea about what is happening in terms of communication, social networking and the computer age. I had to break it down into a simple language. I took photos of them and then showed them. I then told them that this would go onto the internet. We hope that one day, when they are older, they will go onto the KBMI blog and look back at their young times at the KBMi centre.It was a good time for all.